Saturday, January 27, 2018

See Me...Hear Me...

Dear Hearts,

Aunt Faerie took Papa to the “city” nearby (25 minutes) to get new pants. The Men’s Tailor Shoppe has been there for years and they tailor your clothes to fit you.

So, I am alone. Alone. I used the bathroom and left the door open. I miss that.

So, I vacuum or write. I chose writing. The dirt will still be in the carpets tomorrow—but who knows, this post may be a masterpiece that I can only create today, now.


I survived the tooth extraction! No dry socket! (Dry socket is when the blood cloth or scab over the extracted tooth’s hole, doesn’t stay in place and the bone and nerves of other teeth are exposed. It can be very serious). I think I have even passed the window for dry socket. And, I did not smoke for a little over 24 hours after my tooth was yanked out of my head. It was a big fucking tooth with three full roots. It’s not meant to come out.

The local dentist recommended this guy in “the city” and I walked out before he could even touch me. He was like some little deformed dwarf man or evil leprechaun. He reminded me of that re-programmer guy from the The Path­—not good. People who have physical deformities do not deserve ire or jokes at their expense. However, this doctor—it was like his condescending, arrogant, glib, rude attitude had deformed him like Chillingsworth from The Scarlet Letter.

After having it out with nurse Ratchet I left and told Dr. Dwarf: I don’t like you.

From the beginning I had a bad feeling. I was somewhat prepared to walk out if necessary. I entered this dingy, dark building and literally had to feel my way up the stairs. Even though it was broad daylight, the place taken over by shadows. I had to call from the second floor amidst a warren of unmarked doors and ask where they were in the building.

Met by a greasy-haired receptionist with bad teeth. Um, not confidence inspiring. I have acne issues—but when I am work, I cover it up. I don’t want my oral surgeon’s receptionist to look like the local Meth-Head hanging out at Dollar General.

I am a fairly tall woman—5’8”—but Nurse Ratchet was towering. She is the kind of person who work in a Nut House and man-handle out-of-control patients. In fact, I am sure that was her former job and she was fired because she was fun torturing the patients.

I had this big form to fill out. Have you ever had…” a serious illness?”

Sincerely, I asked, “What do you mean by serious illness?”

Dr. Dwarf’s laugh sound liked acrylic nails on metal grating. “There are thousands of them.” HA-HA!


Nurse Ratchet was there.

“You can take your book bag into the room with you, but you have to leave your jacket and coat out here.”

My book bag? You mean my Tommy Hilfiger stylish knap-sack/purse? (Way easier to carry when going to the movies by yourself and you have to use the Ladies’ Room—you can put it on your back and smuggle in a banana, water, and bagel.)

“Why can’t I just have all my stuff together?” I asked.

“Because the surgery room is sterile.” She sneered. “No one will I touch it. I will watch them myself. You can take your book bag.

Okay, so my book bag—12 year olds carry book bags, not 40 year olds who could pass for early 30s. So, my book bag is sterile, but not my coat and official GOP hat that I stole from T? That hat is an original from a Republican National Convention. Hey, after all the shit I took from him, I at least deserved a hat.

Sterile book bag, but my coat and hat not sterile. I never went to med school, but…

The operating chair/gurney was torn and old. I think they got it from a 1960s back alley abortion clinic. I sit.

“Can I ask you a few questions?”

“No! If you wanted to ask questions, you should have made a consultation appointment.”

“Excuse me, you won’t answer any questions before my surgery?”


“What about aftercare instructions?”

“I won’t tell you until you have your tooth pulled. After surgery.”

Now, I heading toward the door with me book bag. “I am out of here.”

“Now, wait.” I can feel her eyes roll back in her head. “Whaaaat questions do you have?”

“What precautions do you take against dry socket?”

Let me, remind you that the tooth in question was the last molar on my upper left side. I had $10,000 nose and sinuses from non-elective surgery in 2010. No one is going to fuck my $10,000 face up. That four months’ painful. Oh, yes, and Arthur lost two days’ wages by taking me to the hospital and staying home an extra day. Never mind the fact that he had only work MAYBE two years of our marriage.

I could see Nurse Ratchet’s mind working—reaching back into her shoddy medical training to remember what dry socket was.

“Do you use a sedative wrap or stitches?” Thank you, WebMD.

“A what?”

I explained further.

“No! Stitches cause dry socket.”

“I am a smoker and a primary caregiver, I am under so much stress. How long do I have to not smoke for?”

“Two weeks,” Dr. Dwarf replied coming near the room.

“Pardon me? That is not fucking acceptable. Forget it.”

I had read 72 hours max. Smoking DOES NOT cause dry socket because of those “filthy toxins,” but because of repetitive straw-like inhaling. If you smoke, you know what I mean.

I turn around and Ratchet is right there. I guaran-fucking-tee you that she had a straight jacket stuffed down her ample bosom.

“We are doctors. We tell you what is right.”

“Maybe you will be one of the lucky ones!” She laughed.

“I am fucking out of here.” Now I had on my coat, GOP had, and stylish Tommy bag.

“Why,” asked the doctor laughing like a junior high school boy at the word “penis.”

“Because I don’t like you.”


Here is where I could have had SO MUCH better of a comeback, but I just didn’t. I really was full on panic attack at this point.

“Because you laughed at me. When I asked you an example of a serious illness, you laughed at me. There are thousands, you said.”

“Well, there are!”

“No fucking duh.”

Door slam.

I could have done so much better than “No fucking duh.” But, that’s what came out.

When I got home I looked up Dr. Dwarf on line and found several reviews echoing my experience exactly.

Monday, I Googled oral surgeons in the “Real City” near us (an hour away an nationally known) and found a name I liked. I just felt good about his name. I called. I was upfront. I told the receptionist what happened with the other surgeon. I also added that my last oral surgeon was criminally charged with sexual abuse toward his patients who were under anesthesia. True.

The receptionist assured me that Dr. Walter was nothing like that and they would do the consult and the extraction the same day. They would not push me into anything. But, she did say that he would lecture me on smoking.

I was totally shaking by the time I got to Dr. Walter a week late. And, in fucking pain. My filling had falling out and my teeth grinding had cracked that tooth, so that when the filling came out—the nerves were like right there.

I told him how stressed and scared I was. He didn’t lecture me on smoking. He knew that would not be helpful.

“Can you give me 24 hours?” he asked with a smile.

“I can do 24 hours,” I said.

After a very pressure-comforting face mask, some nitrous (early V-Day gift from Mom and Dad), stitches, and a compassionate doctor who saw me as a scared, stressed woman with a rosary she pulled out her bra.

“That’s important,” he said.

“I don’t go to Mass every week, but I talk to God every day,” I said ashamed.

“That is very important. That’s what matters. You will be fine. We have not had a case of dry socket in seven years. With the smoking—just give me 24 hours.”

He saw me. He made me feel cared for and protected. By the time I went to bed with the help of Earl Grey tea bags in my new toothless hole (his suggestion)—I wasn’t bleeding by the time I went to bed and I slept better than I had in two days. He gave me his home phone number.

I found myself wanting to please him—I can give him more than 24 smoke-free hours I thought.

Why, why did I want to please Dr. Walter?

For the same reasons kids wants to please parents or teachers—because they know that adult is sincere and cares, like really cares. In a follow up phone call, he asked me how my run went. (I wanted to get clearance for when I could run.)

I told my students:

“I’m not so much more brilliant than all of you. Well, actually I am. And I have $100,000 worth of college on you.” I’d smirk. “And rarely do I tell you that there is a right a wrong answer or perspective, but as far as the state tests go—I know what you need to do to pass them. I have never had a student try his best and fail. I have faith that all of you can past the test. (A little lie former and latter.) But, you have to listen to me on this. I know what you have to do. And, I am going to tell you exactly what to do to pass the test.”

And, often they did “try to please me.”

I did care. That’s why I burned out. That’s why I couldn’t teach the bullshit I was being asked to before me breakdown.

I trust and respect Dr. Walter because he SAW and HEARD me. I want to “be good for him.”

Funny, that’s how I treated the women at Burning Bed, but the staff didn’t see or hear me at all. Neither have the men I've loved--excluding family. But, maybe the bigger question is do I see and hear myself?

Smoke ‘em if ya’ got ‘em. God Bless

In the name of The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; Mother Mary, Saint Brigid; Saint Jude; Saint Therese Lisieux; Saint Ailbhe; Saint Peter; Archangel Michael, and my Guardian Angel, Jed.

Grateful For:
Movie Night
A Home
Dr. Walter
Temperate running weather
Colored pencils
Cross stitch

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

God And I Want The Same Thing...UPDATE

Dear Hearts,

I don’t want to write this. I don’t want to do anything.

Writing this makes me feel like a weak fucking loser who isn’t even gonna bother about grammar.

But maybe if I get it out…

Is there something clinically wrong with my brain? Is something just broke? Permanently? Did the ECT damage me forever. But I felt like this before the ECT.

I have so much to be grateful for. So many blessings. I pray to God and Mother Mary. I surrender to them. I imagine myself in Christ’s arms telling me it will be okay.

The pall. The heavy wet woolen blanket just falls on me without warning. Xanax won’t help this feeling.

I can’t I just feel like I can’t go on one more moment.

But I have to and I am.

I am writing this. So obviously I am going on.

But my finger literally feel  heavy on the keyboard. I just want to go away.

Every bit of will power is keeping me writing. That’s God.

I have no dreams. Aunt has dreams. Dad and Mom do. I don’t have any dreams.

I don’t want to run home and hide in mom and dad’s house.

I want to help papa.

But I feel like sometimes…I can barely help myself. Just fucking barely.

I should feel happy. I had a good day. I had alone time. I have pie tonight. I know all my blessings. I thanked God for them…but I just can’t feel anything but hurt. I am so selfish. Oh here come the tears. I don’t deserve what I have.

I have no image of the future.

I told God that if he wants me to walk life alone with no partner I will.

Whatever He wants. I’ll fucking do it.

But I don’t know what He wants. I don’t know what I want. 

That’s not true.

I am sure that God and I do want me to stop hurting—to stop feeling empty.

I’m sorry.

Smoke ‘em if ya’ got ‘em. God Bless

In the name of The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; Mother Mary, Saint Brigid; Saint Jude; Saint Therese Lisieux; Saint Ailbhe; Saint Peter; Archangel Michael, and my Guardian Angel, Jed.

Grateful For:
ER on Hulu

Posting as is.

I will shower and eat and maybe give myself another, extra smoke tonight.

Thank you God for the will power…I am using every remnant of it.  

now the shaking comes

it's like i'm okay...okay for me but then the riptide comes without warning and i fall into the well

i know a mixed metaphor.

somebody maybe the devil pushes me into the well.

and i'm too chicken shit to even ask for help. because i need to get the fuck over it. 

i used my breakdown excuse

so i write it

passive aggressive cunt

i am made in the image and likeness of God and no one can touch that.

hollow words. i am wearing kevlar and the good above statement can't get thrrough

evn the woman with the wolf tattoo--her howl is weak.


I cross stitched and watch two episodes of ER. I am those doctors' ages---or older. I remember when I watched it in the 90s--they seemed so grown up. They still do.

I can trick the demon into his cave--the mere with Grendel's mom--but he'll be back. He always is. And I hear his hissing always always alway.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Running Away...Running Toward...

Dear Hearts,

I have got about half an hour. At five Aunt Faerie comes to pick up Papa for dinner and then will get him before Lawrence Welk at seven p.m. CT, which plays full tilt. So at five, I have my CC&P (coffee, cigarettes, and prayers—an hour is assumed).

Papa makes it hard to not kill him sometimes. Mom thought that was a really funny quote. She knows I’m joking. You have to utilize humor sometimes, or else the sorrow and frustration overwhelm you. Like Papa will be early to his own funeral and if anyone is late, boy is that guy in trouble.

He has now taken objection to my vaping my Blu E-Cigarette. But he only told me as he was on the way out to go to pie with Dr. Swede. He wouldn’t tell me whilst I was doing it, because he knew I’d not “Yes, sir” him.

This week his cath bag broke and I had to replace it with an “inferior” cath bag and wipe the urine off him and the bathroom floor. He wanted to go through the garbage for his urine soaked torn cath bag and find the little plastic cap. The plastic cap would not the new bag. But, he wanted to save it. He says I have stuff? Fuck that. He saves A LOT. Mom and Aunt Faerie wait until you get down in that basement someday.

I argued with him. Raising my voice with me is the norm because he is so deaf, but I was yelling at him.

“No! I will not let you got through urine soaked garbage for a cap. It’s disgusting and unsanitary!”

Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. When he saw that I was willing to take the garbage out at 10 o’clock at night, he let it go.

Mom said she probably would have donned rubber gloves and dutifully gone through the garbage for the cap.

He will appeal to Aunt Faerie and Mom about my vaping. He reads these “Fake News” articles about how vaping will kill you and those around you. I try to throw out this junk mail before he reads it—like detox your colon today for only $100 or DON’T DRINK tap water because it causes Alzheimer’s. What he should be worried about is all the Lysol I use in this house. That is probably more hazardous. And, it always screwed up T’s drug and alcohol blood tests. Lysol shows up as alcohol in your blood. It’s true. Ask T.

The man (Papa) does not wash his hand after he empties his catheter. He just doesn’t wash his hands much at all! Ironic for me to be living with him. And, why does he leave used diapers around the house in various and odd places? I haven’t gotten the stomach up to go around and collect them all in a garbage bag.

I am vaping right now in the living room and he’s in the back room. Not a clue. AND he is TOTALLY oblivious to when I actually smoke cigarettes.

He is old and his brain misfires. He can look at a plumbing fixture that he put in 30 years ago and tell you all the technical details on it…but the judgment and memory…misfires.

So, what may kill Papa is the word “No.”

I cannot get past BB—I obsessively think about it. Here is an insight…

(It’s 4.40 and he is getting ready for Aunt Faerie. He will sit and watch for her at the door.)

The first year I taught was sweet mother of fuck hell.

Even the first few years at The School (where I taught for 13 years) were hell. Truly. But, I didn’t give up on teaching.

I left The Hell Catholic School where I taught for a year. But, it didn’t dissuade me from teaching forever.

I learned from BB that I want to work with domestic abuse victims. But, they ain’t the only gig in town. But they can’t take that desire, dream, or passion from me. Right now, Papa is the focus.

Fifty percent of your time at a job should not be figuring out politics and how to cover your ass. Fuck ‘em.

I took two Xanax and went for a run in 14-degree weather after I boiled over about Papa and vaping. I feel better.

Tonight is Movie Night and Chocolate Chocolate Chip pie night.

Do I still feel like I do when I blogged last? Fuck, yes. But it’s those oases I live for. The coffee and cigarette. The pie. The cross stitching. Angel. The TV shows.

4:50. He is ready and at the door. Christ on a cracker.

If God works through people then:

Thanks, Penny. You give me hope. I may find the love of my life yet.

Paul, I am sorry your wife has “the cancer” but thanks for admiring my look and saying that he could tell I was grateful for my blessings.

Stop fighting and accept and that I am gonna feel this way. Mom’s text that she loves me and well, just is there for me is what I need. Nobody can fix me, but me. And, on that I am more clueless than I was in high school geometry.

“Reckon it nothing but joy…whenever you find yourself hedged in by the various trials, be assured that the testing of you faith leads to power of endurance.” (James 1:2-3)

“God hedges in His own in order to protect them. Yet often they only see the wrong side of the hedge and therefore misunderstand His actions…Onto the pages of every trial there are narrow shafts of light that shine. Thorns will not prick you until you lean against them, and not one will touch you without God knowing. The words that hurt you, the letter that caused you pain, the cruelty of your closest friend, your financial need—they are all known to Him. He sympathizes as no one else can and watches to see if through it all, you will DARE to trust Him completely.”
Rivers in the Deserts

I don’t God tests me. But, I will dare…

Be still… And know that I am God… Do not be afraid…He restoreth my soul…”

I’m out. Peace. CC&P and Howling time! Papa is out!

Smoke ‘em if ya’ got ‘em. God Bless

In the name of The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; Mother Mary, Saint Brigid; Saint Jude; Saint Therese Lisieux; Saint Ailbhe; Saint Peter; Archangel Michael, and my Guardian Angel, Jed.

Grateful For:
Aunt Faerie’s meatloaf

Several hours later: the pall, the wet wool blanket, the black bag descends