Monday, October 23, 2017

...The Bottoms Of My Trousers Rolled...

Dear Hearts,

“This is going to be nice and rough.” What’s Love Got To Do With It

I am officially moved in. Tit and tattle. There is nary an empty space to be found. And, that’s just how I like it. And, I cleaned. And, I mean cleaned. Not the corners or dust or under the cushions but I really did clean the important parts.

I feel safe…comforted by my things. Even though today's Gospel was about a foolish rich man storing up all this grain and then deciding to party—just to find out he was gonna die that day—I like my things. If God takes me tomorrow. I don’t know who the Barbies or Faeries will go to. I’ll be dead. I won’t much care.

A junior high student is going to interview G-Pa on Friday afternoon--oh, my precious Sacred Coffee Time—about the orphanage he and Gram grew up in. G-Pa might not be able to tell you what I am doing tomorrow, but he can talk about 1931 like it were yesterday.

I guess I will have to delay my plans. I was going to leave. Ironic. I’m all moved in and this morning I decided to leave. I was going to join Brooke, Christy, and Victoria for tea and fashion, but I will wait till after the interview.

I wonder if anyone will want to interview me when I’m old. If I get old…

 Smoke ‘em if ya’ got ‘em. God Bless

In the name of The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; Mother Mary, Saint Brigid; Saint Jude; Saint Therese Lisieux; Saint Ailbhe; Saint Peter; Archangel Michael, and my Guardian Angel, Jed.

Grateful For:
Amish pumpkin cinnamon roll
Being moved in

PS: I feel so guilty about this short post! I am breaking the 500-word rule. Who made that rule? Me. I’m a real bitch.

PPS: Sorry to the cell phone customer service lady whom I swore out. You were just a happened-to-be-there target for my anger after you asked for Gram.

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