Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Barbie For President!

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a dyed-in-the-wool Republican. I have a wall in my home dedicated to Regean.

The GOP allowed itself to be hijacked by Donald Trump. He is not a good man. He should not be president. However, Hillary has been false since 1992 when she and Tipper (seriously?) made their appearance, and Hillary wore a Jackie Kennedy-esque dress. Oh, hell, no! Hillary ain't no Jackie.

As a reporter I covered a month Women's Republican Luncheon and the speaker played a very important role in my becoming a Republican. I always loved Reagan--but yes, I voted for Clinton. I hang my head in shame. Hearing about the debacle Hillary-care was made me like the Republican stance.

I remember the exact moment I became a die-hard Republican. First, I never thought First Ladies should be involved in major policies. You vote the the President, not the President and spouse. Was Nancy influential? Hell, yes. But gracefully behind the scenes. Hillary was like a bulldozer with a hyena voice. I digress...I was in college and I was packing for something. I saw on the little TV that Clinton had bombed Iraq conveniently delaying his impeachment vote. I dropped my bags and turned RED.

Hillary lies and leaves our soldiers to die in Benghazi. She would eat her own grandchild to get to the White House. I would prefer Obama to her.

W. inspired me. My dad and I stayed up all night long. My dad made up swear words I'd never heard before. The next day I was pretty useless in Student Teaching, but History, baby. I still blame Jeb for not delivering his state to his brother. And any doubts about W. were quashed on 9/11 when Bush said, "no tin-horn terrorist is going to keep me out of Texas"--I paraphrase.

I don't hate Obama as a man. I do as a president. I think that Obama plays a large roll in the racial mess our country is in right now, but I digress.

Trump. He makes me physically ill and fearful. The man is out of control and Ryan, Romney, and the Bushes should have done something a long time ago. HOWEVER, if Trump chooses Newt Gingrich as his running mate, he will get my vote.  BECAUSE Newt will keep Trump in line. That I believe.

Again I digress--what does all this have to do with Barbie?  Well I say fuck the candidates we have now and elect Barbie. Honestly, she would do a better job. (Ryan you shoulda run against Trump before it was too late.) Barbie is educated, honest, moral, and has a great sense of style. She was on the moon in 1963! She has had over 100 careers. She is more respected and loved world wide than any candidate. The whole anti-Barbie movement at the moment--a whole other post.

Barbie should have big boobs and and unrealistic body like she did in 1959. Don't mess with success. You're telling me Polly Pocket or Monster High is realistic? I am insecure about everything in my life--except I do have big boobs--and playing with Barbie never made me insecure. She inspires me. She allows me to live my dreams. The 35th Anniversary Barbie has a bee pin on her dress--aerodynamically bees shouldn't fly, but they do--so the impossible is possible. Even though I think about the Nuclear Option every day, I have hope, yes, through Barbie--and a lot of other things like God, Mother Mary, and Saint Jude.

I will vote for Trump if Newt is on the ticket--because I believe that is the Republican Establishment's way of being in control of Trump and the situation. If Newt is on the ticket--the Republican Establishment is in control, not Trump. I am not going to not vote or write in RUBIO. Even though RUBIO should be our nominee.

In my heart, I am voting for Barbie--who can inspire me even when I am jobless, on disability, and fighting demons every day.

By the by--I am giving Barbie for President and Vice President names: Condoleezza Rice and Megyn Kelly. Now that would be a ticket!

God Bless and Good Night.

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