Friday, August 26, 2016

I Won't Be Going Back There-Not With These Boots

Dear Hearts

I am done with Boss Lady and Caroline’s.

When I went for the initial interview, Boss Lady warned me about Cyndi—her 15-year sales associate who is basically a bitch. Boss Lady told me how to placate her and to stay out of her way and jada, jada. Boss Lady inherited the business from her father. It was her father’s dream—never her’s. She couldn’t let her father’s dream die. Her dear mother died two years ago, so I thought maybe she inherited Cyndi in some way.

I was nervous about going back to work. But, ya’ know what? I did my fucking best. I picked up lint off the basement floor with my latex-gloved hands. I swept the five leaves and two feathers in front of the store, not into the street, but a dustpan that I emptied into the garbage. Why? I dunno.

Yeah, I screwed up the China inventory.

“How could you mess up so badly? They were all organized by color!”

I know because I organized them by color! I did what I was told with a smile.

Cyndi so set me up. She told me where to find a stool on which to sit, when she knew Boss Lady didn’t allow sitting. (My lower back was on fire—and I have a high tolerance for pain—but when my fibroids aggravate my Womanly Time—it hurts a lot sometimes. Cyndi told me to check in the crystal one way, when Boss Lady liked it done another way.

“Do you have a boo-boo?”

“Yeah, I cut myself,” I said putting a band aid on the pad of my index finger. Hmm. Open wound. (I showed that cantaloupe who was boss.) The public. Money. Dirt. Blood. Infection. Huh, I thought I was being prudent.

I forgot my water bottle. When I came back for it, “What you can’t go half a day without water?”


I stopped wearing “nice clothes” because whatever I wore was dirty in a day. I put one of my Mass veils around my face when cleaning the basement. Whatever.

Wednesday when I was vacuuming the packing room with a shop-vac I literally tied my dress up around my knees because I kept yanking it out of the sucking mouth of the shop-vac. All the while worrying that I’d be in trouble for not doing a good enough job.

“Nice job,” said Boss Lady. I wagged my tail and waited for my biscuit.

As I stood totally unsafely on a tall metal ladder to get the get that none of them were tall enough to get I thought: this is my punishment for disability; this is my punishment for quitting my teaching job; this is all it’s ever going to be for me.

Martha pointed out that even people on disability don’t deserve to be treated like shit. I don’t deserve to be treated like shit.

Dr. Swede: “I am made in the likeness and image of God.”

I am made in the likeness and image of God. You don’t get to treat me badly. Ever.

Let me repeat that shit.

I am made in the likeness and image of God. You don’t get to treat me badly. Ever.

I am made in the likeness and image of God. You don’t get to treat me badly. Ever.

My identity and authority comes from Christ. You don’t get to treat me badly. Ever.

So when I had a feminine emergency…no…here are the gory details. I had to practically explain them to Boss Lady, so you all might as well know. And, come on. Periods are so weird. If men bled from that area of their body they would go to the ER. We just have to plug it up. I have fibroids. They make my periods heavy. As in bleed through the tampon onto the thick, uncomfortable synthetic, cotton pad shoved in my Victoria Secret’s underwear. Every woman know that feeling. That wetness. That feeling of the blood actually leaving your body. And then the OH SHIT. I need to get to a bathroom now, because it’s probably already a crime scene down there.

I was on a seven-foot ladder. I stopped. Took the mother-fucking time to fold the ladder up and lean it against a display case so I wouldn’t get in trouble. Then motioned to Cyndi who was busy with the Boss Lady and customers that I had to go to the bathroom like no delay. I told sweet Laura, who was my only solace there, that I had to go to the bathroom because I was leaking.

Oh, yeah. It was a crime scene. I cleaned blood off the bathroom floor. And, there’s no garbage in the bathroom, so that made things a bit more difficult. Got myself plugged again. I knew lunch was coming so I took a minute to take my colitis pills. Laura and I commiserated about the pain-in-the-assness of having a period. We laughed I think.

“Katherine! You don’t leave the ladder on the floor. Someone could trip on it and sue us! Cyndi didn’t know if you’d left for lunch (never have I) or what where you’d gone!”

“I had a feminine emergency.”

“Well, you don’t leave things on the floor like that! No one knew where you were! Just go take your lunch now!”

I have a formidable temper. I was raised by New Jersey-ites.


Every nasty word I know came out of my mouth when I got home. Hat went flying as did boots and socks. (Earlier in the day Boss Lady commented on my “big girl cowboy boots.” Apparently, I am just shy of being West enough to not have my signature cowboy boots be considered a costume or fashion statement.)

I was done. That did it. I was not to be yelled the way Mrs. P. did in high school when there was an attendance mix up. No fucking way. If I wanted that—I’d go back to my 65 grand a year job. I was not gonna ask for permission to go to the bathroom when every woman in that store (all women) had been in that same situation. And if somebody tripped over where I left the ladder. Well, natural selection because it couldn’t be in plainer view.

On second thought, how is my being on the ladder around customers safer than the ladder being folded up and alone? Couldn’t assholes trip or knock me over regardless? WTF?? Especially considering the ladder is not flush on all its legs. What would she have done if I had fallen and hurt myself? Have me disposed of?

I was done.

When Boss Lady and I were alone I took a chance to explain: “I left the ladder there because I had a feminine emergency and I told Cyndi where I was going. I was then taking my colitis pills.”

“You could have taken a moment to take the ladder to the back (um, no I couldn’t have) and you need to tell me too where you go.”

“I was leaking.”

“Still. Tell me (she had been with customers) next time.”

Later, I was taken to the basement to wrap up sale items in newspaper. At first, it was the plates, then it wasn’t. Then it was just the non-matching items. Then it was the small plates. A vague gesture of her hand indicated the precise items I was to box as I sat on the floor in my dress. I read the comics—I forget how funny Garfield was.

I had actually changed into my sandals for the second half of the day—but my boots. They're made for walkin’.

I took my germ gel (a big pumper that I bought for the store) and left that day.

I knew I was fucking done.

Martha was so proud of me. But, she AND G-Pa said I needed to tell Boss Lady WHY I was quitting. (Mom gave G-Pa a filtered version of the bathroom thing.)

Out of courtesy to her, I went to the store yesterday to let Boss Lady know that I could work next week because my dad was having to have surgery ASAP. That’s no lie. It’s a cyst on his finger. The MD just doesn’t want to have it infected.

“Fine,” she said. No concern about my dad.

“We need to have a conversation,” I said.

None of the three or four times that I gave her were good. She’d talk to me when I got back. Uh, no. I will call you.

So, after I ate a chicken sandwich with feta cheese and mushroom and french fires--thanks G-Pa for the comfort food--I called her around 8:30. Her husband was pissed that the phone rang.

“Am I calling too late?” I asked her.

“No. But, we’re resting.”

Nice passive-aggressive guilt.

“I’ll call back.”

“Nooo. I’ll just go to another room.”

I’m not going record the whole conversation. I was assertive—at one point saying “excuse me” when she talked over me. I said that I had spent a career and marriage being bullied and she needed to find someone else—although I would work for her when I got back since Laura would be in Arizona that week.

“Don’t come back here.”

Don’t come back here.

Don’t come back here.

Ya’ know what? I don’t think I will go back “there,” because I’ve been “there” and done that and “there” is a very dark place.

I stayed "there" in my marriage and my job until I was physically and emotionally sick. This time, I walked out of "there" before either could happen.

Spending time with G-Pa and volunteering at Burning Bed—worth nine dollars an hour.

So, no. I will never go back there.

Smoke ‘em if ya’ got ‘em. God Bless

In the name of The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; Mother Mary, Saint Brigid; Saint Jude; Saint Therese Lisieux; Archangel Michael, and my Guardian Angel.

PS: I still feel like shit because I hate confrontation. How can you just be mean to people? I don’t get it. I apologized for everything when I worked there short of the Kennedy Assassination. She couldn’t say sorry ever? Sorry, Boss Lady—you’re no Trump.

PPS: To the woman who worked in the hair salon or drug store—I am sorry. When I got back to the store after lunch that day I pounded on my steering wheel hard. I am my father's daughter. A woman saw me as she walked past the car and I hit the steering a fourth time and gave me a look. I put up my hands Jersey-Shore style as she hesitantly turned her head back and I shouted from inside the enclosed car, “What?” You wanna go, bitch?” I may or may not have said bitch. I can’t remember. But the poor woman probably saw the New York plates and Trump, Catholic, and Masonic stickers and thought—“the Angry Cult-Worshipping, Idolatrous Trumpeters are coming to the Holy City! Oh my God! Lyle, get the dog and let’s go to Kansas with sis! We’re no longer safe here!” So, I’m sorry, ma’am.

This Jersey girl just had enough and I’m never going back there again. That’s why I am here.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Claws and St. Jude

Dear Hearts I spent the weekend learning about domestic abuse in my 60-hour course for Burning Bed. And, I relived all my good ol’ days. What fun! But my experience---my experience was not anywhere as near as bad as it might have been. I am emotionally wasted.

And, Boss Lady…we’ll see. A clean slate. If she withdraws her claws, so will I. I won’t live the way I did before. Dread and fear being my everyday companions. I don’t believe God tests—but God can help you learn lessons from situations. In His and Mother Mary’s hands. 

God, thank you for giving me love and my family, which helped me be one of the 10% to get out. I had choices and options. So many women don’t.

Mankind needs to do better than telling an abused woman how to curl up into the fetal position and protect her vital organs instead from her abuser. We need to get to the point where that isn’t even a discussion.

Smoke ‘em if ya’ got ‘em. God Bless

In the name of The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; Mother Mary, Saint Brigid; Saint Jude; Saint Therese Lisieux; Archangel Michael, and my Guardian Angel.

PS: Saint Jude--you my guy!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Soft People Have To Shimmer

Boss Lady has been nice. Too nice. Be a bitch or don’t. I don’t trust people who yell and then are so very nice like nothing ever happened.

Yesterday I used my seven years of college to clean three sets of dirty basement stairs at Caroline’s. With a wet (no soap rag). The point was to free all the little particles in the 40-year-old carpet and sweep them down to the bottom of the stairs where a 20-year-old dust buster would suck them up. Then I was to take a bent broom and sweep all the dust bunnies and detritus on the floor of the basement filled with over 250,00 thousand pieces of china.

At first, I cared. Then I was like. Fuck this dumb-ass way of cleaning. I hate cleaning—but that make no sense. So I took advantage of Boss Lady’s gimpy-ness and ran the rag over the stairs and then with my gloved hands picked up any visible bit and pieces on the floor. I could give that duster buster a lesson or two. It has no sucking power.

I did this same kind of work when I was 17—before the seven years of college. Before my college education and teaching experience however, I only made seven dollars an hour.

So the question is which situation is better: dealing with common core and bully principals where the work does not end at five o’clock OR picking up broken glass and lint off a basement floor where the work ends at five o’clock?

The latter I think.

Teaching burned me out. Took me down. Teaching made me physically and mentally ill. Teaching kids mattered—picking lint off a basement floor doesn’t matter at all. The stakes aren’t even close.

I would like to tell Boss Lady to go to hell. I am committing myself, with the goal of gaining employed at Burning Bed, to a 60 hour intense physical and sexual violence course. Friday 5-9 p.m.; Saturday 9-5 p.m.; and Sunday 1-5 p.m.  Fuck me. That is a lot of time.

In my experience, those courses where it’s all thrown out at once don’t work as well as courses stretched over more time. Especially when you are dealing with intense subjects. Shit. I already have my Domestic Abuse Certification thanks to Asshole, T., and my bad choices.

What if I can’t handle it? I had an episode last night—several hours oflow-levell shaking. I shook when I woke up this morning from anxiety dreams. What if I can’t do this real world thing at all? Maybe “I never was hard or self-sufficient enough.”

Yesterday, after my fake-cleaning was done I was charged with handing sun catchers from thumbtacks on a display case. Some of them were really beautiful: butterflies, dragonflies, hummingbirds, and flowers. Of all those beautiful things I broke an ugly-ass orange flower. It was an unavoidable accident. The edge of a petal just snapped as it dropped. I quickly jammed the incriminating evidence into my pocket and I just paid for it outright. No discount, no telling Boss Lady. I didn’t even want to find out how mad she’d be. So I’m right back where I was. Hiding the evidence, afraid to get in trouble, hiding my mistakes. How did that happen?

I was supposed to be taking down all the spring/summer sun catchers to make room for the fall-colored ones. Did you know that purple is a fall color? Well, it is. ‘Cause I took down all the purple sun catchers and then was told that I was supposed to only take down the pink, blue, and bright colored ones. Actually Boss Lady changed her mind of couple of times on that one. I did it wrong. She didn’t get mad—just a little dose of passive aggressive guilt.

When I was 17 and did this kind of work—it was an impetus for me to go to college so I wouldn’t have to do this kind of work or put up with crazy bosses. Funny how that worked out. So I worked an hour yesterday for a broken ornament.

Mom said working this job will give me empathy toward minimum wage workers on whom I used to look down. (Still a dangling preposition.) I said that over the years I acted superior—in private—toward those types of people that because first, they often waxed on what an easy part-time, over-paid job teaching was and second, I felt like a failure. So I tried to make myself feel better by acting superior. Now I have just accepted that I’m a failure. I’m not any better that any of the other nuts in the nut house. ALTHOUGH I DON’T DRINK LISTERINE. Fuck. Yes, I am better. I never tried to kill my family. I have never abused drugs or alcohol. I never faked a disability.

My whole life style right now is affordable because of my grandfather. I am paying all the bills on my house and car—but he feeds me and pays for the utilities here. Mom and Dad must be so proud.

So I broke the ugly-ass sun catcher. The petal can probably be glued back on and I bet that in the right window it would catch the light beautifully, broken or not.

“I never was hard or self sufficient enough. When people are soft-soft people have got to shimmer and glow-they’ve got to put on soft colors, the colors of butterfly wings, and put a paper lantern over the light. It isn’t enough to be soft. You’ve got to be soft and attractive. And I-I am fading now! I don’t know how much long I can turn the trick.”  Blanche DuBois Streetcar Named Desire

Smoke ‘em if ya’ got ‘em. God Bless

In the name of The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; Mother Mary, Saint Brigid; Saint Jude; Saint Therese Lisieux; Archangel Michael, and my Guardian Angel.

PS: God bless the man who bought his wife the 300 dollar plus Swarovski crystal jewelry for his wife. Boss Lady screwed up with her addition with you, huh? She kept getting it wrong in her head until finally used a calculator. Huh. I had it all added up in less that a minute—I just wasn’t sure where the discount went. And I wrote the receipt up wrong anyway. But, thanks for taking the torn credit card receipt and not telling Boss Lady I screwed up there too. Sorry Boss Lady had to redo my “too big bow” and the one gift wasn’t wrapped with brighter ribbon.

PPS: I am alone for 48 hours. A rare occurrence these days. It’s kind of nice. I can walk around naked, leave the bathroom door open, “overload” the washing machine, put the dishwasher on half full, maybe even smoke a cigarette or two in the house! Live it up baby! Get dangerous!

PPPS: How fucking weird is it that me and Bugsy, Aunt Faerie's husband, are going out together for pizza. You're talking an atheist and a Catholic--an Independent and a Republican. When I got my tattoo he pointed out that real dragonflies down have antenae. Who the fuck knows that? We are going out for dinner together--Bugsy, Mr. No Guns and Me, Assault Weapon for Everyone! If we can have dinner together peacefully (personal cursing has occured in the past) then maybe Hillary and Trump can be on one ticket.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Say Please Mother Fucker

Why the fuck did I call T. last night and ask him if we thought we had a future together and tell him that I love him and always will? Why? Why? Why?

He texted me about going to his apartment to get a few of my things that are still there—Christmas ornaments some of which I’ve had for 30 years.

I want him to want me. I want him to cry, beg, and say please. I want him to regret losing me. I want him to suffer like I suffered. So not Christian I know. But, it’s the truth. He fucking gutted me.

He has no idea what is going on out here. I didn’t tell him about the intensive course I’m taking or the Burning Bed. Neither did I tell him about Boss Lady. I for damn sure well did not tell him about this blog.

“Get a journal,” he said, “write down your feelings. See a therapist as much as you can.”


From the moment he picked up the phone he acted like everything was fine. For over an hour he talked about himself mainly: prospective new jobs, moving after just signing a lease, forcing Cinderella to spend time with him, insurance not covering diabetes, his being put upon by the State with his DUI restrictions, and general woe of being unappreciated.

He is doing the same thing that Asshole did. He’s underestimating me. By the end of the conversation he’s trying to give me hope that there’s a chance for us—and “I don’t know.” “Oh, I feel the same,” I said.


There is no chance for us. There never was. I met him with I was literally cognitively   impaired and OD’ed in his bed. He was the first face I saw when I came too.

Let me explain to you what a horrible, jarring shock it is to close your eyes thinking you’ll be with Mother Mary and the next clear memory telling the EMTs to let you die and swearing at a cop because all the pills you took caused you to use the bathroom. The cop did not like me in bathroom by myself when he arrived on the scene of an OD. Next memory is waking up on dialysis and seeing T.

Planned Itinerary: 150 lithium and klonopin chased by a beer and then be with Mother Mary.

Revised Itinerary: T. calling 911 and me ending up in a warehouse nut house. I’ve been in two nut houses. The first one was the fucking Waldorf Astoria compare to the second hospital. Have you even talked with someone who has staples in his bald tattooed head and neck because he tried to kill him family and then himself? I have. And, he was one of the nuts I felt safe around.

T. being there for me—any port in a storm.

Any port in the storm.

That man died in a whiskey bottle.

Why does it even bother me what he thinks? If my identity is based on what Christ is to me, then his thoughts about me are moot. I didn’t speak from a place of truth last night. If I had the conversation would have turned ugly on his part first and/or he would have shut me out.

I want to be “in” with him because I want to know what’s going on? Why? I want to know that his is miserable. Nice Christ-like identity, Kate.

He says he is cured of his alcoholism. It’s over. It’s all good. He has gone through all the steps and he’s going through them again. He’s great. I don’t remember any amends being made—Step 9. Five days detox in ICU, acute liver and kidney failure, medically induced coma---cured his drinking. Oh, and those 21 days he spent at that shit rehab. And, yes, it was a shit rehab. He’s cured. Why, one of his AA buddies wanted to set T. up with his sister. But, T. is focusing on his own recovery and on himself. (Run, sister, run.) He is platinum.

I am sitting on the edge of the well. I am not even treading water at the bottom anymore. I crawled out and I’m on the edge. I can see light and still see darkness. I’m not platinum. It doesn’t matter how he’s doing. I feel like such a loser with this post. But, I’m better than I was. I am out of the well. I don’t think about killing myself every day. That’s no small thing.

He has to blow into a breathalyzer to start his car and he has lost his 30-year crutch. He can’t be okay. From the beginning—on our first date—he lied. He lied every day of our relationship. He is lying now.

I just can’t forgive him…or myself. I just can’t forgive him…or myself.

Smoke ‘em if ya’ got ‘em. God Bless

In the name of The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; Mother Mary, Saint Brigid; Saint Jude; Saint Therese Lisieux; Archangel Michael, and my Guardian Angel.

PS: Hail Mary Full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou among women and Blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Today is the Assumption of Mother Mary. Usually a Holy Day of Obligation—but since it fell on a Monday, the Vatican says it’s not an obligatory day because Sunday’s mass can count for today also. What? I can’t find a mass to go to on a Day of Holy Obligation—but this year it’s not obligatory. Next year it’s on a Tuesday and obligatory. Good thing Mother Mary is so fickle with her love and devotion to us.

PPS: I am so glad I blogged instead of writing him a letter.

PPPS: This song says it all for me.

Saving Jane Say Please

well, i cried out my eyes the night that you left
and i begged for a sinner’s reprieve
and i’ll never forget the shame that i felt
when you loosened my grip on your sleeve
you said “baby, you didn’t do anything wrong-
there’s just something that i have to see”
and i said “i’ll never forgive you for this-
not even if you say please”
i wanna hear you say please, baby, please
i’m stupid, i was wrong
and you knew it all along
so get
down on your knees, baby
swallow up your pride
you know, it wouldn’t hurt to cry, and say please..
after you left, you know it took me awhile
to get myself off of the ground
it was maybe a month before thy got me to smile
baby, i’ve never been so down
i know you think that i’m just being mean
and you’re right, cuz i’m still mad at you
so if you want back in my graces tonight
there’s just one thing you gotta do
i wanna hear you say please, baby please
i’m stupid, i was wrong
and you knew it all along
so get
down on your knees, baby
swallow up your pride
you know, it wouldn’t hurt to cry, and say please..
you must have thought i was clay in your hands
that i needed the strength of your two legs to stand
well, baby guess what, i’m standing just fine
it turns out that i’ve got a little steel in my spine
and i hope you got a box with a pretty bow on top
give me all the shiny things, your apologies and rings
let me make this very clear
i gotta see you shed a tear
baby, i can wait all night, so if you wanna make this right
say please..