Thursday, August 31, 2017


Dear Hearts,

I haven’t written a post because I don’t know what to write. I don’t know how to write.

I just called my Tatt Artist, who because of a filing mistake, didn’t have me in queue until two weeks after I’d gone to see him—like a month ago.

I hope this is not a way of God telling me I am not supposed to get the ink. I need it. I need to mark myself with the heart of The Wolf.

I don’t know what to say. I keep myself detached. If I engage the levees break. The flood waters take me.

Smoke ‘em if ya’ got ‘em. God Bless

In the name of The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; Mother Mary, Saint Brigid; Saint Jude; Saint Therese Lisieux; Saint Peter; Archangel Michael, and my Guardian Angel, Jed.

Grateful For:


God Be with all those who are suffering in Texas.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Running and Sparrows

Dear Hearts,

I come to you from the couch on the “porch,” room that was added on and is surrounded by tall windows.

It’s a great room. It’s Mom’s sanctuary. I used to smoke down here until Maddie got Lar-Par. Actually, this couch is probably about 35 years old. Nan and Pop sat on it for many years as they watched TV and entertained guests. 

Viv and Al—I remember these friends of my grandparents. Now we are going back 30 years. Al always brought me a cardboard cigar box with sea shells in it. They lived in Florida half the year. Viv smoked like fucking Chernobyl. I used to hide her cigarettes, because we taught those were bad in our little country elementary school. Viv would get pissed off. I get that now. My impetus for this blog is my chilled coffee and first cigarette of the day.

One time they were visiting I said something off hand about how I liked the fields we have un-mowed because I could run through them in the foggy mornings and pretend to be a fairy.

“Well, little girl, this isn’t your house, is it?”

Damn bitch. No Nan and Pop owned the house and we “rented.” What-the-fuck ever. My Dad went into that deal with me and called Mom in Illinois after the deal was done. I was six-months old. She was not happy about it. But, what choice did she have? They were going to build a house on one of the acres—didn’t happen.

Under Nan’s reign Mom and Dad were unhappy for a lot of years. But, things are better now. So much better. I sent them off to see Gaia and Johnny sing and play at a fancy-smanchy hotel tonight.


Any way. I have the house to myself. Someone has to be here with Maddie in case she sneezes. Dad does not leave her alone. Ever.

Feeling a bit episodic. No Shrink—no coffee or caffeine involved. Hold on—I’m gonna get my Xanax. Okay. Took two milligrams. I had quite the bad episode yesterday. Mom and I were at the house and I actually smoke a cigarette in the mid afternoon to just calm myself.

I am doing a Virginia Wolfe here.

This porch holds a lot of memories. The couch is a pull-out. My cousin, sister, and I had a lot of sleep overs in this room. We had a lot of fun. Mickey and I would put out pillows outside so they would be cold—temporary AC pillows, I guess? We didn’t have AC of any kind then.

Mom and Dad were unhappy for a lot of years. I still have a chance at happiness. I cannot drop anchor in the well.

EVERYTHING is boxed up in the house. EVERYTHING. We spent the night there Friday. Mom packed all night in her sleep and I woke up screaming several times. That house is fucking evil. It’s vampiric. I slept till 10 this morning and then took another nap. I worry about leaving some little thing there—but I am glad I won’t be there when the move happens.

I truly don’t understand. Why is so hard to give up a house I have come to hate?

I did not go to Mass last night or today. SHOCKER.

Mom has a priest friend, Monsignor, whom she and my dad have known since their twenties. Dad is actually jealous of Father. He thinks Monsignor is “hot for Mom’s bod” and wants to procure this acreage and house for the Vatican. I don’t think so. Father has met the Pope! He writes speeches for the Pope! But, Dad, he does not live in a luxurious mansion with servants. He flies economy to different countries every week and has a small apartment in Geneva. He will often answer quandaries about the Catholic Faith for me. “Mon” said that the whole not going to Mass as a Mortal Sin thing…how the fuck can murder be in the same Sin Category as not going to Mass? Mon said that the purpose of that law was to “make” Catholics put aside time to be with God and keep the Sabbath Holy.

Shit, I talk to God all the Goddamn time.

Mother Mary: Jesus Christ! It’s that fucking Kate again! You take her prayer this time!

Saint Jude: Yo! Petey! I was an Apostle too! You deal with Kate tonight.

Christ: Holy Ghost—she is all yours tonight.

Jed, my Guardian Angel has put in for a transfer.

My point is that I talk to God, Mother Mary, Christ, The Holy Ghost, and the Saint A FUCKING LOT!

Instead of Mass yesterday I ran with Dad. I have never run with Dad before. Today he had some kind of three or five K Race he does every year. He got third in his age category and yes, there were more than three people in his category. But he did a light warm-up jog last night. Mom walked with Maddie and Dad and I ran. He runs slower than I, but he can sprint like a cat on fire when he wants to.

I ran today too and prayed.

Dad said, “Good job. I’m proud of you.”

Those words meant so much. I am doing something right.

I am totally freaked about not having a “solid” job with benefits and tenure and a retirement—but I am getting better.

Oh, The Thief, that Anaconda, is still there—but I can run again.

I can’t love myself, Shrink. In the shower, I was thinking about something and “stupid bitch” came out of my mouth to describe myself.

Running with Dad through the woods…how can I be closer to Christ? Running and praying today, just talking to God…how can I be closer to Christ. And the buffalo meatballs we had and I’m gonna have tonight—are just as a sacred as The Host. I believe that.

I was supposed to go tonight with Dad. Mom was said to stay home. But, it’s always about me and what I need. They have done so motherfucking much for me—they deserve a night out, just the two of them. With Dad refusing to leave Maddie alone—Mom and Dad have not been out on a “date” for a long time and won’t be for another long time. They fucking deserve that. I also told them that Mom’s seats in the Subaru go all the way back and if they wanted to stop for a little chicka-chicka-bow-wow on the way home that way fine—encouraged even.

Yeah, part of me wanted to get dressed up and go out. But I am savoring the quiet I have here before I return to The Holy City. And, it’s not like chaos in the Holy City—but things are scheduled to the minute. I am savoring this solitary time. No, I may never see Gaia and Johnny sing at this hotel, but Mom had no ambivalence about going to see them tonight. I did. I don’t do BBQ and the loud music is just, well too fucking loud. And if I sit there and just watch a “concert” my mind wanders to dark places. It’s not like I was gonna bring my cross stitch. I can give this gift to Mom and Dad.

Tomorrow the Moving Company is coming to the NY House to give an estimate. My life—so many of the things I care about—are in boxes. Things that represent my life. That are a part of me. But, they are THINGS.

Matthew 6

25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?
27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

I am going to howl with my Wolf Heart and have my chilled coffee and first cigarette of the day. Life worth living.

Funny—this post in a totally different direction than I thought it would…

Smoke ‘em if ya’ got ‘em. God Bless

In the name of The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; Mother Mary, Saint Brigid; Saint Jude; Saint Therese Lisieux; Saint Peter; Archangel Michael, and my Guardian Angel, Jed.

Grateful For:
Apple Turnovers
Chilled Coffee
UC Remission
Buffalo meat balls
Ray Donovan

Right now, I feel good and I am Goddamn grateful for that. That could change at any moment. That sucks. And the Anaconda strikes.

Running with Dad over Mass any day.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Kate and Bridgette

Dear Hearts,

Tomorrow we return the NY House.

When I leave in September (10th or 11th) I will probably never see that house again.

Do you know that when I leave hotel rooms (after wiping and spraying everything with Lysol the night before), I check every drawer, every corner, under the bed, under the chairs, under and on the tables, in the bathroom…I am highly obsessive about it.

Now I am supposed to leave a house that I put all my precious things in, thinking that I would be staying there forever.

What’s hidden in the corners and nooks and crannies? What’s hidden fell behind the sink or dishwasher?

An errant earring? A bit of Arthur’s pot? A love note? A stray Barbie shoe?

My past and my fear of moving on.

That house makes me want to kill myself, but I also will mourn its passing. So many beautiful shelves, so much room…it’s an abusive relationship.

I’m not ready to say Good Night and Good Luck.

Shrink was all like you have to love yourself or else you’ll project this image that people. Fuck you. No one at Burning Bed knows that I have I think of myself as a stupid fucking bitch. The people with whom I work would not say, “Oh, yeah, Kate is really insecure and nervous. She has real mental issues.”

I hide that shit. Do you know what would happen if everyone waited until he loved himself for finding love or a job? The vast majority of us—all of us with CD—would be alone and not working.

When I wanted to kill myself in 2010 and in 2014—people around me didn’t know. That student I counseled didn’t know, as I was telling her to not snort Percocet or let her Baby-Daddy choke her into unconsciousness, that all I wanted to do was go home take a bunch of pills and call it quits.

I am learning how to live…to live a life I don’t hate…a life where I have choices…

At 40, that ain’t easy.

I am starting all over again.

Uncertain. Ambiguous. Bewildered.

I don’t know who I am or what I want.

No, I do know who I am.

Catholic. Republican. Patriotic. Compassionate. Loyal. Swears a lot. Has a temper. Loves smoking, coffee, reading, and TV.  Wants Love and Marriage. A collector. Creative. Intelligent. Intuitive. Fearful. Can act really well. Will not eat raw fish sushi. Good body. Really nice tits and ass. Likes tattoos. Feels guilty a lot. Worries. Anxious. Scared. Regretful. Hopeful. Sad. Likes to spend money. Puts her whole self into what ever she is doing—except cleaning and kitchen stuff. Mac-Girl. Jersey-Girl. Pennsyltucky. Like shooting. Hates getting up before nine. Grateful. Likes the creative eyeliner trend. Has bangs. Wear minimal makeup. Can wear three-inch heels. Draws. Cross stitches. Likes staying up late. Like name brands.

I could go on.

But I am also getting a largish tattoo on the left side of my chest. I just found out that I like cream cheese.

I don’t have to be Kate at Burning Bed. I’m Bridgette.

Kate stopped to talk to the two drunk stoners because she liked that they were admiring her boy. Bridgette carries a 380 with hollow point bullets when she runs.

What if Kate just let Bridgette take over? What if we put Kate and all her pain, sorrow, disappointment, and fear to rest. Kate has been on life support for a long time. If Kate is non-responsive and shows no sign of brain activity—maybe we need to pull the plug on Kate. Part of Kate died when she OD’ed anyway.

I can’t get rid of Kate. She is a part of Bridgette, just like that sad little girl who bullied for years is a part of Kate.

I had an Episode before I went to bed last night—as I was going to bed.

Whoever—Kate or Bridgette—is sweet mother of fucking scared of letting go AND not letting go.

The house is the last nail in the coffin of that life.

I hate myself.

Those are the words that just popped into my head right now. I hate myself. I am a loser.

This is not a life that makes me feel comfortable.

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3: 5-6

I am stepping off the cliff, Lord. Please catch me.

I am stepping off the cliff to live.

Smoke ‘em if ya’ got ‘em. God Bless

In the name of The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; Mother Mary, Saint Brigid; Saint Jude; Saint Therese Lisieux; Saint Peter; Archangel Michael, and my Guardian Angel, Jed.

Grateful For:
UC Remission
End of my Womanly Time
Chilled Coffee
Good pysch thriller books
Buffalo Meatloaf

Leaving that house is going to gut me. I just hope that God fills that empty space with something good. I have hurt for so long.

God--thanks for the dragonfly by the bridge. I hear you.

I cancelled my hair appointment today. Because I don't wanna sit a salon for an hour.

See, if I got out there into the real world and have some success and fall apart again. Disability won’t be there for me. If I go out into the world on my---I am afraid I can’t do it.