Friday, January 27, 2017

Quick and Dirty

Dear Hearts,

This is going to be quick and dirty, because I was to draw a Shopkin! Yes, those silly little collectibles that tweens are going crazy for. When I was a kid would have loved them and even now, if I had money, I would indulge in few. And I found a tutorial online and I wanna.

Also, Gaia is coming for dinner. Buffalo sirloin, baby!

I just want to record these thoughts as they occur to me.

Thank you Mom for all your help today with all the paperwork for HUD, taxes, and the bank. God blesses me.

I just had my first cigarette and coffee of the day.

Why did I move to Henry? Because Asshole and I found a house there that we liked. We were on a house rebound—we had just lost a place that we had made in our minds into a fairytale. Truly, we planned a life in this house and then we lost the bid at the last minute. Somewhere inside, I knew that house was wrong too. I had an ocular migraine for a month and itching spells on my legs and arms regularly. We were kind of like—we dare you to show us a house we like better.

I didn’t move to Henry because I loved the area. I don’t like the area at all. Hate maybe too strong of a word—but I don’t care for it. In my ten years there, I never put down roots.

Kate, where do you want to live out your life? (Taking G-Pa and The Holy City out of the Equation.) Not Henry. Nebraska. Shiloh (a woodsy town about a half hour from Home Town). Not Henry.

God will not allow a man to come into my life and save me financially.

I just hope that God will allow a man to love me deeply and truly one day.

But, if I want that I gotta decide to live or die.

Smoke ‘em if ya’ got ‘em. God Bless

In the name of The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; Mother Mary, Saint Brigid; Saint Jude; Saint Therese Lisieux; Saint Peter; Archangel Michael, and my Guardian Angel, Jed.

PS: Saint Jude—I am sorry your arm holding your staff broke. Dad glued it once before—but I think Saint Anthony may not even be able to find you arm. I’m sorry.

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