Sunday, January 15, 2017

Make Me Feel UPDATE

So we went out for pizza. It tasted good, but it's like I couldn't really feel the taste. That makes no sense. Usually, I savor pizza--I just ate trying to focus on the flavor, but I just couldn't get it.

I was in the basement smoking and I just didn't want to move. Literally. I had to have a convo with myself about moving. The idea of taking a shower right now and epilating is overwhelming. But I will epilate, because that is a new OCD ritual.

I can't sleep until at least 1 a.m. But I just want to get into bed and sleep.

My limbs feel leaden.

I don't want to burden Mom with this and what could she do about it anyway?

I just feel like...

I don't care about anything.

But I want to.

I can't even cry...

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