Monday, October 17, 2016

A Dog Gets Her Wings

I got my wings today. Just like in It’s a Wonderful Life. I’ve seen that movie a lot because Mom, Dad, and Nan watched it every Christmas.

My name is Holly and I was 19 years old. I left my Earthly Home for my Heavenly Home. Nan is here and she was thrilled to see me. I can have as many biscuits as I want and not get fat!

I came to live with Family when I was about four years old. Dad found me on along the highway. I am a beagle mix—with a cropped tail. I don’t remember having my tail cropped because I was so little, but I know Family found it odd.

My previous Home before I found Family was really screwed up. They drank and smoked a lot. I often had to find my own food and drink out of the toilet. Yuck! I used to sit by a cracked window in my old home and I saw a Purina truck go by. I followed it! I ran as fast as my little stumpy legs would carry me. Dad and his brother picked me up in Dad’s truck after they’d gone hunting.

I knew as soon as I smelled Dad that he was going to be wonderful! He smelled like the woods, pheasant, dog, cat, horse, donkey, and had lots of animal hair everywhere! The vet told him I had hip-dysplasia and wasn’t long for this world. That was when I was four.

When Dad brought me home I met his mom, Nan. I became her dog! She was so sad and lonely after Pop died. She was in kind of bad health and was just anxious and depressed all the time. She wanted to die too and be with Pop, whom she was married to for over 60 years. Nan was just so anxious, worried, and unhappy all the time.

 I made her happy! She always kept me right beside her. She’d say, “DOLLLLLLLLLLYYY!” over and over and I’d come running because I knew I would get treats. I sat on the bed with Nan and watched a lot of TV. Nan went a little crazy at the end wanted to have me buried with her when I was eight years old! She said Dad and Mom wouldn’t take care of me right. (They took me to the vet and I had gotten so fat I couldn’t run, so Mom and Dad made Nan stop giving me all the food I wanted.) Luckily, Dad and Mom did not kill me when I was eight. I had whole ‘nother 11 years to live and eat!

I kept Mom very physically fit. I would pull down the tablecloth in the middle of the night and get up on the table. What was on the table? THE SUGAR BOWL! Then I would scale the chairs and buffet until I made my way to the counter. Once I was on the counter there were all kinds of foods to eat. And, before Mom and Dad put a lock on the pantry I would help myself to that too. Raisins. Oatmeal, flour, rice, cookies—I wasn’t picky. I just loved to eat! But, it was good for Mom, because she was always running around cleaning up my messes and yelling at me. She had to get really creative in blocking me from the kitchen at night because I was determined. She even had to take the garbage away. Sure, I had to eat out of the garbage when I was at my old home—but there was a lot of yummy food in Family’s garbage. I kept her in shape!

And then we would walk down the country road with her friend. It was so much fun. We’d walk on the road and go into the woods. She would always pull me away from the deer poop I wanted to eat. But, I have to say that cat poop was my favorite kind of poop. I thought I was helping—that way Mom and Dad wouldn’t have to change the cat box so often, but they said I got litter on the floor and the poop was bad for me. But it tasted so good!

One time when we were walking on the road, Mom met some people she knew and she took a tour of their tour. She left me with two little girls who pulled my ears and tried to make me do tricks. I got away and ran down the road as fast as my little fat self could go. Mom was worried though and she found me using a car. I didn’t run away after that because it made Mom sad.

I used to sleep on the couch—that was my favorite. And there were lots of cats and dogs to keep me company. I did get bit bad one time because I wasn’t going to let Dad’s other dog eat all his food. He was fat too! So I finished his food, but W. did not like that at all! Mom and Dad took care of me, though.

As I got older I couldn’t walk as much, because I really did get arthritis. (I just told the vet I had hip-dysplasia, so no one but Dad would want me. It was a little lie: I am just a little dog.) Then I started to not be able to always wait until I got outside to “do my business.” Mom was REALLY not happy about that, but I couldn’t help it. I tried to go on the wee-wee pads most of the time.

But I could still eat so life was good! I lost a lot of weight after Nan died and then Dad would share his meal with me. He’d sit at the table and I’d sit next to him—a bite for me, a bite for him. It was exciting eating with Family.

Life was good. I loved and was loved.

This last year I got really old and tired. I didn’t want to leave Family, but my body was just old. 19 is like really old for a dog! In the last few weeks, Mom and Dad had to carry me outside and I couldn’t stand up on my own very well. Life wasn’t so good anymore, I just didn’t feel like I used to. I even stopped eating. Then the whole Family fed me a lot of biscuits! That was tasty, but it was hard to even chew the biscuits. Fatty, the cat, said that he’d seen it happen before. Our little bodies just wear out.

Mom and Dad tried everything to keep me healthy, but I wasn’t able to be the Holly I used to be. Fatty told me that in Heaven I could be the young Holly! I just couldn’t even stand one day. Then a few weeks later it hurt my stomach to eat. I was scared. But, Fatty groomed me, slept with me, and was by my side when my little heart stopped. I died a happy dog.

I was loved and I loved Family. I really was blessed when I got to live for so long with Family. I didn’t want to die at the vet’s. Fatty told me that happens sometimes.  And I was seeing the vet a lot. So I was determined to lay on Dad’s sweatshirt until my little heart stopped.

Now I have all the biscuits and cat poop I want! I can raid the kitchen and garbage at night and not get in trouble. Nan, who was blind, can see in Heaven and she is young and happy. We ran through the fields a lot today. I even caught her a pheasant! Pop, whom I didn’t know in life, made it for dinner and boy that was good. And a lot of my friends from Family Home are here. Even W. And we get along. It’s so much better to feel like my old-self again.

I know I made Mom and Dad sad. They both cried when they found me and Fatty this morning. But, I was so relieved when I got to Heaven. I can play, eat, and poop anywhere I want!

I don’t want to see Mom and Dad anytime soon. They have a lot of living left to do. I miss them, but Fatty said that he’d pick up the slack and keep Mom fit.

I can see them from Heaven and I want to say, don’t be sad! I am so happy now! I loved living with you! I was the luckiest dog ever! But, I feel so much better now.

I visited Kate in a dream this morning and showed her how I could walk again. I let her know I was fine. So, when Mom called Kate, who is 850 miles away, she was able to tell Mom that I was okay.

So, Mom and Dad, thanks for loving me despite all my flaws. I know that I loved you. Daddy, I’ll miss sharing dinner with you and Mommy, I will miss our walks—but I am still around watching over Fatty and J., the only other dog, Family has.

You were the best Family a dog could ever ask God for! I love you! If you feel a weight on the bed at night or hear a yip, it’s just me saying Hi!

PS: Nan and Pop say hi. Dad, Pop says he'll make sure that you get the best buffalo! And, mom Pop says he will make sure Fatty and J. stay well for a long time.

Love and Biscuits, Holly.

Smoke ‘em if ya’ got ‘em. God Bless

In the name of The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; Mother Mary, Saint Brigid; Saint Jude; Saint Therese Lisieux; Saint Peter; Archangel Michael, and my Guardian Angel.

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